Peruvian Blue Opal - Rough

Price per: Gram
Sonderpreis$2.00 CAD


OriginAndes mountains near San Patricio, Peru

Description: This Peruvian blue opal is hard, it takes a great polish and is stable. It ranges from opaque to translucent. The blue color is very vibrant. All pieces come as small shards. Pendant and ring stones can be made from both.

Chemical CompositionSiO2

Grade: Semi Precious
Appearance: Translucent/ Opaque

Cracks: Minimal
Mineral: Minimal

Cost per Gram: $2.00
Approximate size for 1 pc: 34mm x 20mm x 15mm
Approximate weight for 1 pc: 8g

Rough is rough. We do our best to grade and describe pieces in the lot, but ultimately, they all differ.

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