BC Nephrite Jade Offcuts - High Grade - Rough

Price per: Gram
Sonderpreis$0.40 CAD


Origin: BC, Canada 

Description: I sorted these jade off-cuts based on cutting grade. The high-grade will yield top quality BC Jade cabochons.

Please note that I made sure every piece in the high grade would be good for cutting, but... the sizes of the cabs will range from large, medium... but mostly small (10mm cabs). Overall, this is a great value, as the off cuts are essentially slabs from relief cuttings on large carvings. so... they are already sliced for you, and you really don't even have to saw.

Chemical Composition: SiO2

Grade: Semi Precious
Appearance: Translucent/ Opaque
Inclusions: Some cracks, some black dots from concentrated iron. Some will have chromium spot inclusions.

Cost per Gram(High Grade): $0.40/g
Approximate Size of 1 pc: 2cm x 1cm x 0.5cm - 6.5cm x 3.5cm x 2cm
Approximate Weight of 1 pc: 2g-50g 

Rough is rough. We do our best to grade and describe pieces in the lot, but ultimately, they all differ.

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