Diamond Polishing Paste - Syringe

Grit: 320g
Sonderpreis$15.00 CAD


Description: This is the economy grade diamond polishing lapidary paste. The paste will last you many carvings. for example, if you're doing carvings the size of golf balls, you'll be able to polish dozens of them. Why this is economy grade is because it has less diamonds added to the paste than the higher grade polishing pastes. However, it will still do the trick when you charge it onto a carrier such as hard pressed felt.

Made In


Grit:  W0.5, W1, W1.5, W2.5, W3.5, W5.0, W7.0, W10.0
0.5 Micron - Final Polish (Grey) - 10 000 grit
1.0 Micron - Mirror finish (Golden Yellow) - 8000 grit
1.5 Micron - Mirror finish (Caucasian) - 6000 grit
2.5 Micron - Mirror finish (Magenta) - 4000 grit
3.5 Micron - Fine Polish (Red) - 3000 grit
5.0 Micron - Fine Polish (Light Blue) - 2000 grit
7.0 Micron - Pre Polish (Dark Blue)- 1500 grit
10 Micron - Lapping (Green) - 1000 grit
14 Micron - Lapping - 800 grit
20 Micron - Lapping - 600 grit
28 Micron - Lapping - 400 grit
40 Micron - Lapping - 320 grit

Pieces:  Set Includes 8 syringes, each with 5 grams of Diamond Lapping Paste,
or 1 syringe of each

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