Lithium Quartz - Mineral

Size: Mini
Quality: Standard
Sonderpreis$60.00 CAD


Mined from: Columbia

Description: Lithium quartz is a rare and beautiful variety of quartz renowned for its vibrant pink to reddish-pink coloration. The pink color of lithium quartz is primarily attributed to the presence of trace amounts of lithium within its crystal structure. The prescience of lithium ions within the quartz lattice causes the absorption of green and blue wavelengths of light, while allowing red wavelengths to be reflected. This selective absorption of light results in the overall perception of a pink color by the human eye. Notable sources of lithium quartz include Colombia, Brazil, Madagascar, and the United States (particularly California).

The pink color of lithium quartz aligns with the energy of the Heart Chakra, making it a popular choice for balancing and activating this chakra. When the Heart Chakra is open and balanced, it facilitates the expression of love, compassion, empathy, and forgiveness. It governs our ability to give and receive love, both towards ourselves and others, fostering harmony in relationships and promoting emotional well-being.

Working with lithium quartz can help stimulate and harmonize the energy of the Heart Chakra, supporting emotional healing, self-love, and the cultivation of compassion. It encourages the release of emotional blockages and facilitates a deeper connection with one's heart-centered wisdom and intuition. Lithium quartz is also thought to encourage self-love, self-acceptance, and self-care practices. It may help individuals overcome feelings of unworthiness or self-doubt, promoting a sense of worthiness and empowerment.

Chemical Composition: SiO2

Chakra: Heart

Approximate Size of 1 Piece
: 4cm x 3cm x 2cm
Approximate Weight of 1 Piece: 16g

Approximate Size of 1 Piece
: 4.5cm x 4cm x 2cm
Approximate Weight of 1 Piece: 25g

Approximate Size of 1 Piece
: 5.5cm x 4.5cm x 2.5cm
Approximate Weight of 1 Piece: 40g

Approximate Size of 1 Piece
: 6cm x 5.5cm x 3cm
Approximate Weight of 1 Piece: 60g

Approximate Size of 1 Piece
: 8cm x 6cm x 3cm
Approximate Weight of 1 Piece: 120g

Approximate Size of 1 Piece
: 10cm x 8.5cm x 4cm
Approximate Weight of 1 Piece: 180g

Quantity: 1pc

We do our best to buy quality products- although not every rock is the same. If you choose to purchase the "staff pick option", we will select the best of the batch for you. Otherwise, it will be at random from the larger batch we have in stock.

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