Amethyst Freeform - Tumble

Quality: Standard
Precio de venta$10.00 CAD


Mined from: Brazil

Description: These are small freeform facets. Unlike a tumble, which is shaped smooth all over, these have small flat faces cut over the surface of the gemstone, giving them a greater level of luster and shine. They are hand cut, not machine finished.

Amethyst is a purple variety of quartz and is well-known for its stunning range of colors, from light lavender to deep violet. Its color comes from trace amounts of iron trapped in the crystal. It has been prized as a gemstone for thousands of years and is often used in jewelry and decorative items.

Amethyst is often linked to the crown chakra, which is associated with higher consciousness and spiritual insight. It is thought to help open and align this energy center. Amethyst is believed to enhance spiritual awareness and intuition, helping individuals connect more deeply with their higher selves and spiritual guides. It is known for its calming energy, which is thought to help reduce stress, anxiety, and tension. Amethyst is often used in meditation practices to promote tranquility and mental clarity.

Chemical Composition: Si02

Chakra: Crown

Approximate Size of 1 Piece: 1cm x 1cm x 1cm
Approximate Weight of 1 Piece: 1.2g

Quantity: 1pc

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