Crazy Lace Agate - Skull

Size: 1"
Quality: Standard
Precio de venta$25.00 CAD


Mined from: Mined in Mexico, carved in China.

Description: Crazy Lace Agate has a strong energizing energy that is also soothing. Crazy Lace Agate promotes self-confidence and self-acceptance and is a great stone to use for meditation. Skulls are a symbol of life and represents knowledge, mind-power, communication, and wisdom. Skulls are useful for providing healing powers, protecting the aura, enhances psychic development, and preventing negative energy from penetrating the auric field.

Chemical Composition: SiO2

Chakra: Solar Plexus

1" Skull
Approximate Size for 1 piece
: 3cm x 3cm x 4cm 
Approximate Weight for 1 piece: 50g

Quantity: 1pc

We do our best to buy quality products- although not every rock is the same. If you choose to purchase the "staff pick option", we will select the best of the batch for you. Otherwise, it will be at random from the larger batch we have in stock.

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