Heteromorph Ammonite - Fossil

Size: Small
Quality: Standard
Precio de venta$50.00 CAD


Mined from: Morocco

Era: Mesozoic
Geological Age: 252 to 66 million years ago

Description: These irregularly-coiled ammonites are a later evolutionary stage of ammonite called heteromorph (different-shaped) ammonites, in contrast to regularly coiled ammonites, which are called homomorph (same-shaped) ammonites. Ammonites first appeared in the late Devonian period, but heteromorphs, with their distinctive and varied shell forms, became prominent in the Late Jurassic and Cretaceous periods. During this time, ammonite species diversified vastly, with many subclasses popping up with different shell shapes and ornamentation. Heteromorph ammonites are an excellent example of adaptive radiation, where a single lineage rapidly diversified into a wide variety of forms to exploit different ecological niches. Heteromorph ammonites, like other ammonites, were generally predators or scavengers, feeding on smaller marine organisms. Their diverse shell shapes suggest a variety of ecological roles and adaptations. Heteromorph ammonites, like all ammonites, became extinct at the end of the Cretaceous period, around 66 million years ago, during the mass extinction event that also wiped out the dinosaurs.

Approximate Size of 1 piece: 6.5cm x 4cm x 2.5cm 
Approximate Weight of 1 piece: 82g

Approximate Size of 1 piece: 8cm x 5cm x 3cm  
Approximate Weight of 1 piece
: 125g

Quantity: 1pc

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