Chalcedony Rose - Mineral

Size: Small
Quality: Standard
Precio de venta$2.00 CAD


Mined from: Western Arizona, USA

Description: Chalcedony helps activate the root chakra to grow your connection with Mother Earth. Chalcedony brings the mind, body, and spirit into alignment and absorbs negative energy. Enhances your intuition and increases self-control. Chalcedony has an anti-inflammatory effect and can lower blood pressure and temperature. 

Chalcedony Roses are a lot like fire agate... but without the fire. The chalcedony is pearly white with translucent areas. When we dig for them, we like to try and find half pieces and call them "miner's ears". The full rounds are also hard to come by.

Chemical Composition: SiO2

Chakra: Root 

Approximate Size of 1 piece
: 3cm x 2cm x 1cm
Approximate Weight of 1 piece: 7g

Approximate Size of 1 piece
: 5cm x 3.5cm x 3cm
Approximate Weight of 1 piece: 45g

Quantity: 1pc

We do our best to buy quality products- although not every rock is the same. If you choose to purchase the "staff pick option", we will select the best of the batch for you. Otherwise, it will be at random from the larger batch we have in stock.

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