Malachite is Toxic:

While Malachite contains copper and can be toxic if ingested, it's generally safe to handle. However, prolonged exposure to its dust during polishing or cutting can be harmful. This mainly concerns those working with Malachite on an industrial scale, rather than hobbyists.

Amber is a Gemstone:

While Amber is frequently mentioned in discussions about crystals and gemstones, it's important to note that it's not technically a crystal. Instead, Amber is fossilized tree resin. Additionally, there is Copal, which is partially fossilized tree resin. True Amber requires millions of years to form, while Copal forms over thousands of years.

Moldavite is From Outerspace:

While it's commonly believed that Moldavite originates from outer space, the reality is a bit different. Moldavite was indeed formed during an impact event involving a celestial body, but it originates from Earth material that undergoes extreme heating when a blazing ball of iron and stone crashes into the Earth's surface. This impact creates a glassy material known as tektite. Moldavite specifically was created during such an impact event in Germany, with the resulting fragments scattered over the Moldau River.

Shungite is From Outerspace:

Shungite is often mistakenly believed to be of extraterrestrial origin, but in reality, it is formed from aquatic organic matter. It is essentially fossilized bitumen, akin to coal, although coal is formed from terrestrial plant matter. There's no cosmic involvement; rather, it undergoes similar processes to those that created oil and coal.

Crystals Keep Growing:

Crystals don't grow once removed from their natural conditions. While home science kits can produce salt crystals, standard crystals won't alter once removed from their geological context.

Tiger’s Eye is Dangerous:

The myth that Tiger's Eye contains asbestos often stems from the fibrous appearance of the stone. While it's true that some forms of asbestos bear resemblance to fibrous minerals like Tiger's Eye, there is no evidence to support the claim that Tiger's Eye itself contains asbestos. Additionally, even if there were trace amounts of asbestos present, it would typically be bound within the hardened silica of the stone, rendering it non-friable and therefore not posing a threat of inhalation.

Selenite Dissolves in Water:

While Selenite is indeed a soft mineral and prone to scratching, it does not readily undergo dissolution in water. Prolonged exposure to water may cause surface alterations, such as roughness or cloudiness, but it does not dissolve. However, it's important to note that certain types of Selenite, particularly those from specific locations like Morocco, may indeed be ulexite, which does not undergo dissolution in water. For Selenite to dissolve, it typically requires moving water that continually changes, as the water becomes saturated and unable to dissolve more of the mineral.

Opalite is Natural:

Opalite isn't natural but man-made, composed of glass and metal oxides. It's sometimes marketed as "sea opal" or "opalized glass.".

Citrine is Fake:

While some Citrine available on the market is indeed produced by heat-treating amethyst, this does not diminish its authenticity. Heat-treated Citrine possesses the same chemical composition as naturally occurring Citrine. In fact, all Citrine is formed through the heating of amethyst, whether it occurs naturally within the Earth or through human intervention. Therefore, the distinction lies primarily in whether the heating process is carried out by nature or by humans.

Labradorite is Green and Blue:

While Labradorite is renowned for its labradorescence, commonly seen as blue or green flashes, it can also exhibit a spectrum of colors including yellow, orange, red, and purple. Nowadays, these alternative colored Labradorite stones are often referred to as 'sunset Labradorite,' although the stone was originally named after a province in Canada where it was first discovered. Currently, Labradorite is predominantly mined in Madagascar, and most specimens on the global crystal market originate from there. However, if you encounter Labradorite countertops, they are likely sourced from the Canadian deposits.

Before Madagascar became a global hub for Labradorite trade, there were two distinct types: Labradorite, which displayed green and blue hues, and Spectrolite from Finland, which exhibited other colors. Evidence of Spectrolite's historical significance can still be found in the World War II trenches of Finland, where piles of the stone line the landscape. The rise of Madagascar Labradorite in the market has led to the emergence of new trade names for the various colors of Labradorite.

Carnelian is Orange:

While orange is indeed the most common color for Carnelian, it can also exhibit a range of hues from pale yellow to deep red-orange. In natural specimens, Carnelian often features a surface layer of red or orange, with a paler blonde interior. In North America, particularly on the West Coast, Carnelian specimens are typically not subjected to heat treatment. However, in regions like Asia, most Carnelian undergoes heat treatment to transform the blonde interior into a uniform orange color.

Blue and Green Obsidian are Real:

While blue and green obsidian are often marketed, many buyers are misled into purchasing fake versions of these stones. In reality, natural obsidian varieties are typically solid black with occasional flashes of green and blue due to shimmer optical phenomena within the black rock. The fake versions are often transparent glass masquerading as genuine obsidian. It's important not to be fooled by this scam. Consider the example of blue sapphires, which command high prices for their vibrant color and transparency. A genuine stone of similar size and quality in obsidian would also be costly if it were real. Throughout history, humans have sought after vibrant colors, and when they occur naturally, they are indeed expensive. Therefore, if an obsidian stone seems too good to be true in terms of color and price, it likely is.

Andara Crystal is Real:

Traditionally, before globalization, gemstone cutters faced challenges in sourcing materials, often relying on distant suppliers. As an alternative, some early facetors turned to cutting glass, which was more readily available. A century ago, glassworkers would enhance their glass with flux sourced from iron smelting operations, resulting in vibrant and unpredictable colors. This glass eventually found its way into the hands of gemstone cutters and can still be found in many estate collections today. In modern times, factories in China continue to produce similar glass, marketing it under various names like Andara crystal or Chicken Blood Stone, sometimes falsely claiming it to be mined from Mt. Shasta. It's important to remember that if a stone resembles glass, it likely is.

Smoky Quartz is Black:

Smoky Quartz isn't always brown; it ranges from pale gray to near-black. When irradiated to pure black, it's termed "Morion Quartz.

Herkimer Diamonds are True Diamonds:

Herkimer diamonds are called "diamonds" because of their exceptional clarity and natural faceting, but they are actually a type of double-terminated quartz crystal. They are named after Herkimer County in New York, where they were first discovered. These unique quartz crystals are found in the dolostone of the Herkimer County region, and their distinctiveness comes from their clarity, natural facets, and double termination points, which make them resemble diamonds. The name "Herkimer diamond" pays homage to their place of origin and their diamond-like appearance.

Similar double-terminated quartz crystals found in other parts of the world are often referred to as "diamond quartz" to distinguish them from Herkimer diamonds specifically, which are unique to Herkimer County, New York.

An Alaskan Black Diamond is a Real Diamond:

An Alaskan black diamond is a term often used in jewelry marketing, but it can be somewhat misleading. In some contexts, it refers to hematite, a mineral composed of iron oxide known for its metallic luster and black to steel-gray color. Hematite is often used in jewelry for its striking appearance and is sometimes marketed as an Alaskan black diamond to enhance its allure. In reality, it is just a common mineral with little to no value. It can always be distinguished from true black diamonds by its gray tones, whereas black diamonds are true black. Be skeptical any time the word "Alaskan" is added in front, as 99% of the time it means it is just hematite.

Magnetic Hematite is Naturally Magnetized:

Magnetic hematite, often sold in jewelry and other decorative items, is typically synthesized and not a natural form of hematite. The process of creating magnetic hematite involves combining iron oxides with other materials and subjecting them to certain treatments to induce magnetism.

While natural hematite is an iron oxide mineral, it is not magnetic in its natural state. The magnetic hematite found in the market is a man-made product that may incorporate iron oxides derived from natural hematite or other iron sources. However, the final product undergoes significant processing and treatment to achieve its magnetic properties, distinguishing it from natural hematite. Thus, while some natural rock may be used as a starting material, the magnetic hematite available for purchase is largely a synthetic creation.