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Магазин кристаллов

Crystal Clear: Dispelling Myths and Misconceptions

Malachite is Toxic: While Malachite contains copper and can be toxic if ingested, it's generally safe to handle. However, prolonged exposure to its...
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The Art of Crystal Formation: Exploring Nature's Methods

Introduction Crystals, with their intricate and often mesmerizing structures, have fascinated humans for centuries. From the clear, precise lines o...
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Exploring the Spectrum of Hardness: From Mohs Scale to True Hardness

Exploring Mohs Hardness: A Primer Mohs Hardness is a fundamental concept in geology, yet its practicality for rockhounds is limited as it alone doe...
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Классификация минералов

Минералы были организованы учеными в систему классификации, которую мы используем в нашем магазине. Узнайте больше о системе и некоторых общих группах здесь!
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Crystal Habits: Understanding Crystal Structures

Crystal habits, also known as crystal forms or crystal shapes, refer to the characteristic external shapes of crystals resulting from their internal arrangement of atoms or molecules.
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