Red Jasper - Rough

Price per: Gram
Sale price$0.10 CAD


Origin: Vancouver Island, BC, Canada

Description: This red jasper is exceptional for inlays. it is very solid and takes a nice polish. More so it is simple, plain and not busy, which is what makes it a great option for inlay.

Chemical Composition: SiO2

Grade: Lapidary Grade
Appearance: Opaque
Inclusions: Some have mild weathering on the outside, but it is negligible. Almost no cracks.

Cost per Gram: $0.10
Size approximately 1 pc: 8cm x 5.5cm x 3.5cm 
Weight approximately 1 pc: 20g- 330g

Rough is rough. We do our best to grade and describe pieces in the lot, but ultimately, they all differ.

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