Labradorite - Mini Palm

Quality: Standard
銷售價格$15.00 CAD


Mined from: Madagascar

DescriptionLabradorite is a type of feldspar mineral known for its shimmering iridescent play of color, called labradorescence. This effect is caused by the interference of light within the layers of the mineral; thin lamellae inside the stone reflect light back and forth between them, creating the stunning play of color that makes labradorite so beautiful. Labradorite gets its name from its original place of discovery on the Isle of Paul in Labrador, Canada, however today the majority of Labradorite is mined in Madagascar.

Often associated with the Third Eye Chakra, labradorite is believed to enhance inner vision and psychic abilities. It is also connected to the Throat Chakra, aiding in clear communication and expression of thoughts. Labradorite is believed to create a protective shield around the aura, blocking negative energies and psychic attacks. It is said to filter out unwanted energies from the environment, making it useful for maintaining a positive space. Labradorite is commonly used during meditation to deepen spiritual experiences and promote heightened states of awareness.

Chemical Composition: (Ca, Na)(Al, Si)4O8

Chakra: Third Eye and Throat 

Approximate Size of 1 Piece: 3.8cm x 3cm x 1.5cm
Approximate Weight of 1 Piece: 20g

Quantity: 1pc

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