Smoky Quartz - Gem Point

Size: Small
Quality: Standard
銷售價格$25.00 CAD


Mined from: Brazil

Description: Smoky Quartz is a quartz variety that exhibits a distinct smoky brown to gray coloration which can vary in shades from light gray to brown to almost black. The color of smoky quartz comes from natural irradiation acting on trace aluminum impurities. During its formation deep within the Earth's crust, the quartz can be exposed to trace amounts of natural radiation from nearby radioactive minerals. This radiation acts on Aluminum ions present in the quartz lattice, causing the crystal to absorb and scatter light in a way that produces the characteristic smoky brown to gray color.

These are polished points carved from high grade, gemmy smoky quartz. They have beautiful and varied color, and many pieces have rainbow flashes inside.

Smoky quartz is often linked with the root chakra due to its grounding properties. The root chakra governs our sense of security, stability, and connection to the physical world. Smoky quartz is believed to help anchor and stabilize this energy center, promoting feelings of safety and rootedness. Some practitioners also associate smoky quartz with the sacral chakra, which is located in the lower abdomen and is related to emotions, creativity, and pleasure. Smoky quartz may help in releasing negative emotions and promoting emotional balance within this chakra. Overall, smoky quartz is often valued for its ability to ground and protect while also facilitating spiritual growth

Chemical Composition: Si02

Chakra: Crown

Approximate Size of 1 Piece
: 3cm x 2cm x 1.5cm
Approximate Weight of 1 Piece: 20g

Approximate Size of 1 Piece
: 3.5cm x 2.5cm x 2.5cm
Approximate Weight of 1 Piece: 35g

Approximate Size of 1 Piece
: 4.25cm x 3.5cm x 3cm
Approximate Weight of 1 Piece: 60g

Approximate Size of 1 Piece
: 4.5cm x 4.5cm x 3.5cm
Approximate Weight of 1 Piece: 85g

Quantity: 1pc

We do our best to buy quality products- although not every rock is the same. If you choose to purchase the "staff pick option", we will select the best of the batch for you. Otherwise, it will be at random from the larger batch we have in stock.


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