Snakeskin Agate - (C Grade) - Tumble

Size: Small
Quality: Standard
銷售價格$2.00 CAD


Mined from: Rome, Oregon, USA 

Description: Snakeskin agate is a type of agate that, when tumbled, exhibits a unique pattern resembling snake skin. It is a variety of chalcedony, which is a form of quartz. The distinctive patterns on snakeskin agate are created by white mineral deposits that form on the surface of the agate. This mineral layer completely covers the outside of the agate, leaving a smooth white surface. When these stones are carefully tumbled, the external layer is polished away to reveal a lovely snakeskin pattern overlaying the agate underneath. 

These snakeskin agates were mined by Rubble Rock and Gem and tumbled in our workshop! Watch Adam, the owner of Rubble Rock and Gem, dig for these rare and unique agates on our Youtube channel at this link: Snake Skin Agate || Rome, Oregon, USA || Rockhounding (

These are C-grade specimens. While they are still lovely tumbles, most of them are chipped, and their snakeskin patterning is less robustly defined when compared with our A and B-grade specimens. 

Our A-grade Snakeskin tumbles are available at this link:

Our B-grade snakeskin agate tumble are available at this link:

Brown agates like these are often associated with the root chakra. The root chakra is located at the base of the spine and is associated with feelings of stability, security, and groundedness. Snakeskin agate's earthy tones and grounding properties align well with the energies of the root chakra, making it a popular choice for balancing and aligning this energy center. By working with snakeskin agate, individuals may find support in feeling more centered, secure, and connected to the present moment.

Chemical Composition: Si02

Chakra: Root

Approximate Size of 1 Piece
: 2.5cm x 1.5cm x 1.5cm
Approximate Weight of 1 Piece: 4.2g

Approximate Size of 1 Piece
: 3cm x 2cm x 1.5cm
Approximate Weight of 1 Piece: 12.2g

Approximate Size of 1 Piece
: 3.5cm x 2.5cm x 2.5cm
Approximate Weight of 1 Piece: 25.2g

Approximate Size of 1 Piece
: 5.5cm x 3.5cm x 3cm
Approximate Weight of 1 Piece: 50g

Quantity: 1pc

We do our best to buy quality products- although not every rock is the same. If you choose to purchase the "staff pick option", we will select the best of the batch for you. Otherwise, it will be at random from the larger batch we have in stock.


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