Glow in the Dark Crystals
When we use UV lights, we are bombarding minerals with electromagnetic radiation (photons) within the Ultraviolet range (see scale below). There are three different types of UV light used in the mineral world: UVA, UVB, and UVC. UVA is generally considered less harmful to humans and can penetrate some materials like glass. You may notice your teeth, fingernails, eyes, and sometimes socks glowing as they react to UVA. Fortunately, most glass and certain materials can block UVB and UVC, which are more harmful to humans.
As frequencies increase beyond UVC, the wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation continue to shorten. This is when you’d hear Star Trek’s Scotty saying “We’rrre apprrroaching crrritical levels of rrradiation, sirrr!”
When electromagnetic radiation in the UV range is absorbed by minerals, the minerals become excited due to the excess energy and emit light in longer wavelengths. This phenomenon is known as "fluorescence." The minerals' molecules balance the extra energy input from the UV lamps (following the law of conservation of energy) by emitting their own photons within the visible spectrum. In a dark room, the only light source you'll see is coming from the rocks themselves, glowing with fluorescence.
Pure UV light is not visible to humans, but UV bulbs are not perfect. While emitting UV light, they often emit some visible light as well. Low-quality UV lamp fixtures can "pollute" a display with visible violet light. Higher-quality lamp fixtures have special filters that refine the light output to a desired spectrum, such as 254 nm (nanometers) for UVC.
The Spectrum

Radio Waves
+100 kilometers to 1 millimeterRadio and television broadcasting, communication, radar.
SCALE: Building/Human
1 meter to 1 millimeterCooking, radar, telephone, and other signals.
SCALE: Bumble Bee
1 mm (millimeter) to 0.001 mm(0.001 mm = 1000 nm (nanometer)
Thermal imaging, remote controls, heat lamps, infrared photography.
SCALE: Pinpoint
Near Infrared
1000 to 750 nm (nanometers)Remote sensing, agriculture, food analysis, medical diagnostics, optical fiber communication.
Visible Light
750 nanomaters (nm) to 400 nmHuman vision, photography, optical communication.
SCALE: Bacteria
UVA Long Wave 400 - 315 nmUVB Medium Wave 315 - 280 nm
UVC Short Wave 280 - 200 nm
Absorbed by the skin, used in fluorescent tubes.
SCALE: Molecule
10 nanometers (nm) to 0.01 nmMedical imaging, airport security scanners, materials testing.
Gamma Rays
Less than 0.01 nanometersMedical imaging, radiation therapy, astrophysics.
SCALE: Atomic Nuclei
Ultraviolet Light

While causing minimal genetic damage to tissues, UVA radiation can also lead to sunburn through its shorter wavelengths. Roughly 95% of the sun’s UVA rays reach Earth, making exposure to a UVA lamp almost equivalent to being outdoors.
Penetrates tempered glass.Blocked by 0P3 Acrylic.
While only 5% of the sun’s UVB rays breach the ozone layer and reach the Earth, UVB is the primary culprit for sunburn and skin cancers. Sunburn is a sign of short-term overexposure, while premature aging and skin cancer are side effects of prolonged UV exposure. Avoid looking directly at a UVB light source to avoid sunburning your eyes.
Blocked by tempered glass and OP3 Acrylic.UVC
UVC radiation can cause severe burns of the skin and eye injuries (photokeratitis). Avoid direct skin exposure to UVC radiation and never look directly into a UVC light source, even briefly. Skin burns and eye injuries from UVC exposure usually resolve within a week with no known long-term damage. Due to UVC’s shallow penetration, the chances of skin cancer, cataracts, or permanent vision loss are considered low. UVC-related eye injuries (welder’s flash) result in intense pain and a gritty sensation, potentially affecting vision for 1-2 days, even after brief exposure.
Blocked by tempered glass and OP3 Acrylic. *Damage from UV exposure is cumulative. The degree of damage depends on the intensity of UV rays and the length of time your skin has been exposed without protection.Flourescence vs Phosphorescence
Fluorescence and phosphorescence are captivating behaviors exhibited by certain minerals when exposed to light. In fluorescence, these minerals swiftly absorb ultraviolet or visible light and promptly emit it, often in a different colour. It’s a vivid response to a temporary burst of energy. This effect, seen in minerals like fluorite and calcite, creates a striking glow under specific lighting conditions. Fluorescence typically ceases nanoseconds to microseconds once the light source is removed.
Phosphorescence, in contrast, extends the drama. When certain minerals absorb light, they hold onto that energy, releasing it more gradually over time. This lingering luminosity, observed in minerals such as willemite and sphalerite, is akin to a gentle afterglow. Phosphorescent materials store energy and release it at a leisurely pace. Phosphorescence persists seconds, minutes or even hours after initial excitation.
When you hold a phosphorescent stone such as the Red River selenites from Manitoba, charge them and then remove the light, it will feel like you are holding a ball of energy. The delayed emissions appear paradoxical and the stuff of science fiction—much like holding an illuminated lightbulb that is not plugged in.
Glow-in-the-dark materials are often phosphorescent. The materials absorb light and then release it slowly over time, making them visible in the dark.
Why is it Called A “Black” Light
The color we perceive as black is fundamentally the absence of any light frequencies of the visible spectrum. Although black lights emit light, ultraviolet light is not visible to human eyes, so the light is "black" as far as your eyes are concerned. A light that only gives off ultraviolet light would leave a room in apparent total darkness.
How Many Rocks Glow
There are just over 5000 known mineral varieties. Fluorescence or phosphorescence can be detected with scientific equipment in about 700 of those. The number of “interesting" reactive minerals is far fewer. A fluorescent mineral display’s beauty comes from the magnificent show of colours, and there are many that can glow vividly. There are also many that do not. Their glow reaction to the UV light will be dull in either emission of photons or colour saturation.
The most common minerals on the global market that fluoresce are aragonites, calcites, chalcedonies, fluorites, hackmanites, hyalite opals, rubies, and sodalites. Next are the region- specific minerals such as ones from the township of Franklin, New Jersey (USA) and Greenland. There are still other obscure mineral varieties that aren’t commonly seen nor readily available at gem shows and rock shops.
Trace Elements
These elements can interact with the crystal lattice of minerals or compounds, leading to energy transitions that result in fluorescence. Keep in mind that the specific fluorescent properties can vary widely depending on chemical composition, crystal structure, and impurities present in the material.
Various trace elements from the periodic table can cause phosphorescence or fluorescence. The presence of certain elements as impurities in materials can lead to phosphorescent behavior.
F = Fluorescence
P = Phosphorescence
Earth Metals
Applications in the World Today
The ability of materials to fluoresce has a broad range of applications across various fields. Here’s a list of some scientific, industrial, and artistic purposes for harnessing fluorescence.
Fluorescent materials are used in artistic creations, such as paintings, sculptures, and installations, to enhance visual impact.
Fluorescent compounds can be used to detect and quantify pollutants and contaminants in air, water, and soil.
Fluorescent lighting is widely used for energy-efficient lighting in various settings.
Fluorescent materials can highlight ancient artifacts and help decipher historical clues.
This technique is used to analyze the composition of materials based on their fluorescence properties, aiding in chemical and material analysis.
Fluorescent inks and pigments are used in currency, official documents, and products to incorporate hidden security elements.
Fluorescent dyes and markers are used In microscopy, helping visualize cellular structures and biological processes.
Fluorescent demonstrations help explain scientific concepts, engaging students and enhancing learning experiences.
Fluorescence can indicate material defects, stress points, and structural changes, aiding in quality control and testing.
Fluorescent materials can be used to create special effects, props, and costumes in visual arts.
Fluorescence helps identify and differentiate minerals, aiding mineralogists and geologists in specimen analysis and exploration.
Fluorescence can be used to detect contaminants or quality issues in food and beverages.
Fluorescent materials are used in optical filters and sensors for various applications, including those used in environmental monitoring and medical devices.
Fluorescence in gemstones can influence their appearance, value, and identification in the field of gemology.
Fluorescent substances are used to enhance the visibility of latent fingerprints and trace evidence.
Fluorescent probes can be designed to target specific molecules or cells, facilitating disease detection and diagnosis.
Fluorescent labeling is used in drug discovery and research to study molecular interactions and cellular processes.
Fluorescence is used to study marine and aquatic life, as well as monitor changes in ecosystems.